Lobster roll anyone?

  It’s been a busy September so far here on the Island. Fall Flavours is in full force, and The PEI Shellfish Fesitval was over the weekend. Lots of wonderful events and wonderful food to enjoy for Islanders and CFA’s ( in Island lingo CFA means  a...

A Taste of New Glasgow

It’s official, it’s September. I know it’s a bit upsetting. Although we may be sad to see August go, September is one of the best times of year here on Prince Edward Island. The weather is beautiful, and better yet it’s Fall Flavours time! What...


Today is a big day in NGLS history. On this day June 24, 57 years ago the first lobster supper was served in New Glasgow.  And we have so many people to thank for it. Back then it was served as a fundraiser for the New Glasgow and District Junior Farmers Organization....

Spring showers bring social outings!

Although  we are still buried in mountains of snow, (much like the rest of the Island) there are still signs of spring to remind us that soon the sounds of summer will be here.  One of those signs is the Annual New Glasgow Women’s Insititute Coffee with a Flair....

Employment Opportunities for 2015!

It’s that time of year again, when you start thinking about how you are spend your summer. More like you are currently day dreaming of the sun and beach instead of looking outside at the huge snow drift in your driveway. But if you are thinking about how your...

An HR success Story

This interview with Manager Carl Nicholson  is featured on the Choose Tourism website as part of their series on HR success stories from PEI tourism operators.   HR Success Story- New Glasgow Lobster Suppers- Motivating Employees Motivating employees can be a...