Canada’s first female Prime Minister Kim Campbell visits Prince Edward Island and joins us for dinner. Signing our Guest Book with Owner Sterling MacRae looking on.


In 1989 the “Glasgow Room” was expanded; allowing for 175 seats. In doing so the cultural display room was closed and the lobster pound was moved and upgraded enabling them to hold upwards of 20,000 pounds of lobster.


In between expansions in 1988 New Glasgow Lobster Suppers celebrated their 30th anniversary introducing their new Restaurant Manager Carl Nicholson (son of William &  Thelma) who was taking the place of retiree Ralph Dickieson.


During the 1980’s   The Atlantic Canada Opportunity Agency was giving financial aid in the form of grants to up and coming entrepreneurs like the founders of New Glasgow Lobster Suppers. This money helped the restaurant expand an additional two more times. Once in...


  In 1980, ownership decreased once again leaving only four of the original founding members to carry on the lobster suppers’ tradition. These owners were: William & Thelma Nicholson and Sterling & Jean MacRae, all of whom are still the owners...