October Days in New Glasgow

The countdown is on, and it’s been an incredible season! Our last day open to the public is on Saturday October 7th 2017. For the remaining days of our season we are offering customer appreciation days – Our one lb lobster supper regular price of $36.95 is available for only $33.95!  It’s our way of saying “thank you” for your continued support and business.

Although we won’t be serving lobster past the 7th, there is still plenty of delicious things happening in our hall.

Monday October 9th The New Glasgow Christian Church’s annual Thanksgiving Supper. Doors are open from 4-7pm and the cost for adults $15.

Friday October 27th The Gulf Shore Consolidated Band Program hosts their annual Spaghetti Spooktacular. 5-8pm   Cost TBA

Saturday October 28th The New Glasgow Women’s Institute  host their annual Meet your Neighbor Night Potluck & Cake Auction. All New Glasgow residents are welcome to attend.