Here at New Glasgow Lobster Suppers we are Proud to cheer on PEI’s own Heather Moyse and all Canadian athletes at The 2014 Sochi Olympics!
As with many of you, I have been glued to the television watching Canada represent at The Sochi 2014 Olympics. Cheering with each successful run,program or game and feeling the pain of disappointment when things don’t go as planned. The strength and determination that our athletes have, overcoming injury, sickness, intimidating competition not to mention nerves. This simply amazes me time and time again. There are so many things that make me proud to be a Canadian and watching our athletes own the podium is just one of them. But the stories of how they got there is what really makes an impact. Like Silver Medalist Denny Morrison the BC speed skater who didn’t qualify for the 1,000m but was given the opportunity to race when his team mate Gilmore Junio offered up his spot in the final. Who does that? A Canadian, that’s who. Not only are we proud of Morrison’s performance but also Junio who deserves his own medal of honor. He’s not the only member of the Olympic team who has shown the Olympic spirit at Sochi. Justin Wadsworth, the Canadian ski coach who offered up a spare ski so that Russian cross country skier could finish the race instead of walking across the finish line. Our Canadian pride may only be topped by our pride of our island. Living in the smallest province in Canada, not many Islanders have the opportunity or the fortitude to make it to The Olympics. We are thrilled to have Prince Edward Island represented again by Summerside native #HeatherMoyse. She is a common household name these days with folks here on The Island (and a regular at the restaurant too). Many sending encouraging words via The Bobsled Booster Fan Club. But her journey to Sochi hasn’t been a walk in the park. Her battle included being away from the bobsledding scene for over 2 years in addition to having hip surgery just over a year ago. After months of recovery and training harder then ever, Heather is back and ready to push her way to Gold with teammate Kaillie Humphries!#cbcpei and #cbcolympics will be there to share it with us and the rest of the World! We would like to acknowledge all the amazing #CdnOlympic athletes who make it to the medal podium at Sochi as well as Gilmore Junio and Justin Wadsworth for their display of true Olympic sportsmanship. We would like to invite them to Come to The Island, stay for the party #PEI2014 celebrations and dine with us – ON US. Bring your Sochi medal with you and we would be honored to share our Island hospitality while you enjoy our traditional lobster dinner with all the fixings. … And Heather win or lose you will always be Gold in our books.

Vancouver 2010 Gold Medalist Heather Moyse shows off her #cdnmedal on one of her visits to New Glasgow Lobster Suppers

Here at New Glasgow Lobster Suppers we are Proud to cheer on PEI’s own Heather Moyse and all Canadian athletes at The 2014 Sochi Olympics!
As with many of you, I have been glued to the television watching Canada represent at The Sochi 2014 Olympics. Cheering with each successful run,program or game and feeling the pain of disappointment when things don’t go as planned. The strength and determination that our athletes have, overcoming injury, sickness, intimidating competition not to mention nerves. This simply amazes me time and time again. There are so many things that make me proud to be a Canadian and watching our athletes own the podium is just one of them. But the stories of how they got there is what really makes an impact. Like Silver Medalist Denny Morrison the BC speed skater who didn’t qualify for the 1,000m but was given the opportunity to race when his team mate Gilmore Junio offered up his spot in the final. Who does that? A Canadian, that’s who. Not only are we proud of Morrison’s performance but also Junio who deserves his own medal of honor. He’s not the only member of the Olympic team who has shown the Olympic spirit at Sochi. Justin Wadsworth, the Canadian ski coach who offered up a spare ski so that Russian cross country skier could finish the race instead of walking across the finish line. Our Canadian pride may only be topped by our pride of our island. Living in the smallest province in Canada, not many Islanders have the opportunity or the fortitude to make it to The Olympics. We are thrilled to have Prince Edward Island represented again by Summerside native #HeatherMoyse. She is a common household name these days with folks here on The Island (and a regular at the restaurant too). Many sending encouraging words via The Bobsled Booster Fan Club. But her journey to Sochi hasn’t been a walk in the park. Her battle included being away from the bobsledding scene for over 2 years in addition to having hip surgery just over a year ago. After months of recovery and training harder then ever, Heather is back and ready to push her way to Gold with teammate Kaillie Humphries!#cbcpei and #cbcolympics will be there to share it with us and the rest of the World! We would like to acknowledge all the amazing #CdnOlympic athletes who make it to the medal podium at Sochi as well as Gilmore Junio and Justin Wadsworth for their display of true Olympic sportsmanship. We would like to invite them to Come to The Island, stay for the party #PEI2014 celebrations and dine with us – ON US. Bring your Sochi medal with you and we would be honored to share our Island hospitality while you enjoy our traditional lobster dinner with all the fixings. … And Heather win or lose you will always be Gold in our books.

Vancouver 2010 Gold Medalist Heather Moyse shows off her #cdnmedal on one of her visits to New Glasgow Lobster Suppers