Spring cleaning and renovations

It’s that time of year where people start to do spring cleaning and try to spruce up their homes.  I tend to do my cleaning now, as much as I hate to admit it my household takes a backseat once the warmer weather arrives. (I am sure I’m not the only one)

It is also the time where we unlock the restaurant doors and take a fresh look inside. As you can probably guess from just looking at the building that spring cleaning can be a bit daunting due to the size of the building. It usually takes 2 full weeks of cleaning to get it all done.  As well as numerous days just to run all the dishes through the dishwasher!

We also try to freshen the place up by doing a few renovations each year. (Again a big building so you try to just keep picking away at it) This year, we are updating our back kitchen this is where our bakery is and also our line where all our non lobster entrees are prepared. We have enlarged the kitchen by taking away unused storage space and  updating a few appliances which will enable us to create a more efficient working space for our staff. We have also installed a few new windows.  Some touch up exterior painting and residing another portion of the building will be happening too.  Our lower level dining room – The Glasgow Room will be getting new carpet this week too! And every year there are always many little projects and upgrades that we pick away at in the upcoming months.

We are counting down the days till we open for the season.  In the mean time take a break from your own spring cleaning and come visit us. We will be open for Mother’s Day from 12:30 to 7pm.  Also on Victoria Day weekend the Saturday May 20th and Sunday May 21st from 4 to 8pm.  Don’t be shy cause we can’t wait to see you!